2 ouvrage(s)

making of Oliver Stone's Heaven and earth (The) / text by Michael Singer from the sceemplay by Oliver Stone; introd. by Oliver Stone; with additional commentary by Le Ly Hayslip and Hiep Thi Le. - London : Orion, 1993
Consultable à la Cinémathèque française :
  • cote : 42 STONEo ENT SIN (Accès libre)

making of Oliver Stone's Heaven and earth (The) / text by Michael Singer from the screenplay by Oliver Stone ; introd. by Oliver Stone ; with additional commentary by Le Ly Hayslip and Hiep Thi Le. - Boston ; Rutland ; Vermont ; Tokyo : Charles E. Tuttle, 1993
Consultable à la Cinémathèque de Toulouse :
  • cote : 42 STONEo ENT SIN (Accès libre)